Kylie at the Gym

If you don’t already know, I’m a gym enthusiast. I’ve been hitting the gym consistently for well over 10… fine maybe 15…  okay… 20 years. Yes, that means I’ve been on this planet for 48 years (not that I’m highlighting that fact too much!). Exercise has always been my escape, my therapy, and my way of staying grounded. But today, I discovered something new that completely transformed my workout experience.

For the first time ever, I turned on the “Focus” mode on my iPhone. This little feature is a game-changer! It blocks all notifications, messages, and calls, and even changes your home screen so you can’t see any apps. It’s like putting your phone on silent mode but on steroids. And let me tell you, it made a world of difference. I know, some of you may already know and use this but this was a first for me!

With no social media to scroll, no calls to answer, and no distractions, I had one of the best training sessions I’ve had in years. I spent 1.5 hours in pure, uninterrupted Kylie time. It was just me, my music, and my goals. I wasn’t checking my phone every five minutes, and I wasn’t tempted to respond to a text or a notification. For the first time in ages, I felt completely present in my workout.

The difference was incredible. I could focus on my form, push myself harder, and stay in the moment without anything pulling me away. The world could have been falling apart, and I wouldn’t have cared or even noticed!

So, next time you hit the gym, I challenge you to give it a go. Turn on “Focus” mode, put your phone aside, and immerse yourself fully in the moment. You’ll thank yourself for it, and your workout might just reach a whole new level!

Headphones! ahhh the drama…


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